
Showing posts from 2016

Cepatan buruan beli bunga indah ini hanya di GMM- Ternate

Selamat hari natal dan bagi kamu yang merayakan dan bagi yang sangat suka rangkain bunga silakan kunjungi Gloria Mini Market di Ternate- Maluku Utara. Alamat: Jalan Bosoiri no 37 Ternate- Maluku Utara

Check this out!!!! OHANA HOTEL KUTA (


Enjoy the collection Ohana Suits in Ohana Hotel Kuta.( )


lowongan kerja bagian administrasi dan marketing di Surabaya

Dibuka lowongan kerja untuk administrasi/marketing di Statement Consulting ( ) di Surabaya: 1.        Lulusan S1 dan paling sedikit lulusan diploma 2.        Bisa berbahasa inggris 3.        Bisa adobe photoshop atau sejenisnya         Silakan kirim cv anda ke:

Apartment for rent in Surabaya !!!!! contact me now by sms: +62-81335151481

Apartment PBG Surabaya lantai 33 siap dihuni, view nya sangat bagus karena di depan kolam renang dan di tengah kota Surabaya bagian barat. Anda yang khawatir dengan lokasi yang sangat jauh dengan pusat aktivitas kota, termasuk shopping mall, restaurant, pasar, rumah sakit, bank, sekolah dan lain lain. PBG adalah lokasi yang berdekatan dengan semuanya. silakan sms saya. Ingat disewakan perbulan

Thank you for Staff of Ohana Hotel Kuta

 Thank you for Staff of Ohana Hotel Kuta. Their dedication is the best. We are so grateful to have you all in Ohana Hotel Kuta. Visit: or instagram: @ jeniver84

Be awesome and explore the asia on in Kuta Bali

Be awesome and explore the world, start from Asia or in Kuta Bali. For accomodation, always think of Ohana Hotel Kuta in your heart and mind. Please visit: or instagram: @jeniver84

My lunch in United Steak Surabaya

Finally i could eat my lunch in United Steak-Loop Graha Family  Surabaya with my mum. The rate is 8 out of 10. The size of steak is good for people who cannot eat much meat, and me and mum one of those people. Check insta:  @jeniver84

Happy fifth anniversary Ohana Hotel Kuta

Happy B-day Ohana Hotel Kuta. God bless and protect you always as you are the house of many people and the sources income of the owners, management and employees. I want to give thanks to management and employees for their dedication for Ohana Hotel Kuta. Because of them, Ohana Hotel Kuta has a better future.We will never stop serve and treat our guests like a king and a queen. Visit: instagram:@jeniver84  

Yang butuh tutor IELTS, TOEIC dan General English dengan tarif murah dan segudang materi, silakan sms saya

SMS: 081-335151481 Buat anda yang merasa kurang dalam inggrisnya termasuk General English, IELTS dan TOEIC dan terkendala dengan biaya tempat kursus yang mahal, kenapa anda nggak pakai jasa saya saja sebagai tutor anda yang sudah berpengalaman dari luar negri. Selain itu anda ingin nyari materi ielts dan general english untuk mempelajari di rumah, saya adalah tempatnya. Silakan sms saya saja ya. Oya saya hanya menerima murid perempuan dan muridnya harus datang ke rumah saya di Surabaya barat

cari tutor IELTS, TOEIC dan General English di Surabaya silakan sms saya di: 081-335151481


Ohana Suit 2.


Ohana Suit 1. Only in Ohana Hotel Kuta


Hurry make a reservation now at:


family suit in Ohana Hotel Kuta (


Deluxe premier 3 and 4 (


deluxe premiere part 2(


Deluxe Premier part 1 only in:

Hurry book your accommodation in Ohana Hotel Kuta Bali!!!!!!

Welcome to Deluxe Balcony of Ohana Hotel Kuta (

Image (bathroom)


Please enjoy the new pict of Ohana Hotel Kuta part (balconi)


Always be remember


picture from wedding party in graha family


New picture of Ohana Hotel Kuta part 2


New picture of Ohana Hotel Kuta, please visit


my feeling

Our life and death are in God's hand. No matter what kind of people you are; rich, poor, criminal, bad, good, drug addictive, bad temper and so on,  we all will end up in whether in  heaven, purgatory or hell. In hell we will suffer for the eternity. So how we avoid that. Of course, do the best while we still alive. Some people have priority to be rich, to be famous, to be to be...... But we bring nothing into our grave.

Tutor IELTS, TOEIC dan General English, Conversation dan Business for English

Yang lagi nyari tutor untuk percakapan english sehari hari ataupun untuk urusan business, bisa menghubungi saya di:081-335151481(sms saja)  Saya hanya menerima murid perempuan dan muridnya harus datang kerumah saya di Surabaya bagian barat

Latihan english conversation di Surabaya Barat

Tarifnya: Rp 30.000/jam

Apartment PBG Surabaya sekarang bisa disewakan permalam

Bagi yang berminat tinggal di Surabaya hanya untuk beberapa hari dan ingin tinggal di Apartment Surabaya, silakan hub saya sekarang juga. Apartments 2 units di PBG siap dihuni. Ingat apartment PBG Surabaya lokasinya sangat strategis berada di dalam central business Surabaya bagian barat. Anda bisa ke mana mana dari mall,rumah sakit, pasar, restaurants, dan masih banyak lagi di sekitar apartment ini

Yuk yang ingin latihan conversation dengan saya di surabaya silakan email saya

Hanya meneriman murid perempuan di wilayah Surabaya dan harus datang kerumah saya.

practice IELTS essay

Topic: Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? I agree with the statement that people need to learn anything important begin in their early age and in this case learning foreign language in the primary school. In the next paragraphs will explain all the benefits and example, followed by arguments to support that benefits is stronger the weakness  Lets begin with why children need to learn words from different countries since in the primary school. That is because the brain of human is more adaptable in the early stage after that it will be difficult for people to memorize things in their old time, although all people said that we should never stop learn until death faces us. Nowadays , society believe that every family need to send their children to the school where they will learn words other than their mother tongue. This h...

New view of PBG Apartment Surabaya from outside 2016, Contact me if u wanna rent units: email:

Available 2 units for monthly rent per night and full furnitures